What are Core Values?
Our Core Values are the “roots” of our “tree.” Core Values are the foundational principles that motivate us to accomplish our God-ordained destiny. They are guiding ideals that we use for formulating every goal and setting the direction we will take as a Church. Most planning fails because clear values are not articulated at the beginning of a process. If values differ, even the best action plan will not be effectively implemented.
Because our values are the “roots” of our Church, they do not change. They reflect the unique assignment God has gifted and graced us to accomplish. We have identified five values that define the purpose of TRC – The Restoring Church.
Knowing who I am is the first step to becoming someone or having something new.
Owning what I have done is the key to true peace and future success.
Identifying where I am hurt so that I can ask The Lord to touch specific areas of weakness.
Allowing gratefulness and joy to come into my relationships through the window of my past bitterness and pain.
Using ALL of my life for God’s Glory in cooperation with my life’s destiny and specific God-given giftings.